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SCHOOL: Wingfield Road, Coleshill, Birmingham B46 3LL
HEAD OFFICE: Birmingham Diocesan Multi-Academy Trust (
BDMAT Central Office, Christ Church, Church of England Secondary Academy, Daleview Road, Yardley Wood, Birmingham, England, B14 4HN
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01675 463672 - Mrs Holt

Coleshill C of E Primary School

Inspiring our children to flourish and enjoy 'Life in all its fullness' (John 10:10)

Digital Leaders

 Educating your child to stay safe online is always a core part of every Computing lesson in our school. Our school’s digital leaders will help keep this message alive throughout daily life across our school.

Meet Our Digital Leaders


Year 1 and Year 2


Year 3 and Year 4



Year 5 and Year 6

Our Aims

Throughout this academic year, we will be setting fun online safety challenges which we hope all children will join in with. There will be competitions which promote all aspects of online safety. Our digital leaders will also be helping their peers stay safe online in lessons as well as being a Computing role model. Throughout the year and across all year groups, we will be covering the following areas of online safety: self-image and identity, online relationships, online reputation, online bullying, managing online information, health and well-being, privacy and security as well as copyright and ownership.

Keep checking back here to see some of our competition entries.

Please help us spread our message.

Please encourage our online safety conversation to continue at home to help keep your child safe as technology becomes even more embedded and important in their daily lives in and out of school.