Foreign Languages
Foreign Languages at Coleshill
So that our children get a well planned and sequenced learning experience in Foreign Languges, we have invested in the Linguascope scheme of work giving a logical progression of knowledge and skills over the primary years.
We use the National Curriculum as our source for the progression in skills over time to plan for Linguascope's resources so when our children leave us in Year 6, they are ready for the next step in their education at secondary school.
Foreign Languages Policy
How do we teach Languages at Coleshill?
Read our policy to see our Intent for Foreign Languages, the way we Implement that and the Impact we expect to have on our learners.
Languages National Curriculum
We use the National Curriculum to guide progression in skills over time so that when our children leave us in Year 6, they are ready for the next step in their education at secondary school.
Skills Progression Document
What is appropriate challenge in Foreign Languages?
Read through our skills progression to see how the complexity of challenge within learning increases as children get older.
Linguascope Scheme of work
Each of our units have a core set of knowledge which we expect our children to learn and remember. This knowledge is taken forward to support new learning in subsequent years.