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01675 463672 - Mrs Holt

Coleshill C of E Primary School

Inspiring our children to flourish and enjoy 'Life in all its fullness' (John 10:10)


At Coleshill our mission is to see children inspired by the wonderful world of literacy and in time become writers that reflect their passions. Children will be able to apply their skills purposefully when writing in a range of genres, understanding who their audience is and how to communicate with their audience.



Writing Policy

How do we teach writing at Coleshill?

Read our policy to see our Intent for writing, the way we Implements that and the impact we expect to have on our learners.

Long term plans

Click here to see each year group's long term plan for writing.


Year 1

Year 2

Year 3

Year 4

Year 5

Year 6

Genre progression documents

How do you know if children are writing to the level they should be? Read our genre progression documents to find out what features should be appearing in your children's writing at different ages.




Spelling, punctuation and grammar

Punctuation and grammar

Focused Spelling, Punctuation and Grammar sessions are delivered in a decontextualised and discreet lesson. This is a tremendously useful way of getting pupils to master the fundamentals which are then embedded across the curriculum. Teachers expect pupils to apply the grammatical knowledge they’ve acquired within the naturally occurring contexts of their subjects.
See below for some examples of what core knowledge and skills your child will acquire during these sessions:

English national curriculum

We use the National Curriculum to guide progression in skills over time so that when our children leave us in Year 6, they are ready for the next step in their education at secondary school.



Handwriting and spelling

How do we teach handwriting and spelling?

Look at our schemes for ensuring both handwriting and spelling progress in line with age related expectations.

Nelson Handwriting

Scope and sequence:

Year 1 

Year 1 - letter formation prompts

Year 2

Year 2 - the joins

Year 3

Year 4

Year 5

Year 6

No Nonsense Spelling